Today is the 5th day i am home after a week of "holiday" and still feeling jet lagged! Haha ngade tak. "Holiday" tu dalam bracket sebab aku buat holiday sendiri, kuliah berjalan macam biasa. Terer tak. Hahaha
Anyway, again Alhamdulillah for all the blessings and rezeki Allah SWT bagi, dapat jugak merasa sekali lagi pergi oversea. Alhamdulillah! This time around we went there for my big sis's graduation ceremony.
Entry ni nak cerita pengalaman naik flight. Yang lain2 boleh cerita next next entry okaayyy. Hhihi
Actually flight pukul 2 pagi hari Sabtu. Jumaat malam tu serabut pulak lecturer nak buat test. Hai lah, siapa yang tak serabut. Mula mula kata boleh buat hari lain, tapi tetiba nak buat minggu lepas jugak. Aduuii. Anyway back to the topic, lepas jawab test semua, bermula la journey saya ke Leeds. Eh practical to Manchester airport. Then baru gerak pergi Leeds. It was fun, dad picked me up at Shah Alam and we went straight to the airport by a cab and meeting rest of the family members! Fawwaz pun ada sekali. Hee
OH one thing i like dengan flight ni is that kita boleh tengok movie oh yeahh. Hehe
Kalau dapat naik Airbus A380 lagi best sebab movie dia up to date. Hehehehe plus we can have live video of the plane from the outside. Ada camera kat bahagian tayar kot so boleh tengok bawah, or camera from the nose of the plane. Kalau canggih sikit ada camera satu lagi kat ekor plane :)
Masa pergi layan cerita Korea banyak banyak. Yela 7 jam x2 nak buat apa takkan tidur je :P
This is the first time our family travelling with lil Fawwaz. Hes almost about 8months old now. Sebab kitorang pergi naik Emirates, so they gave my bro's family seat depan dinding. Why? sebab nanti Fawwaz boleh tidur dalam bakul, yeay!
I think Fawwaz must be a tall kid when he grows up!. Di dah tak muat kot nak baring dalam basket tu. Badan panjang -,-"
Sooooo.. The food was.. ermm. Boleh laaa. Sebenarnya first or second time mungkin excited and all but bila dah dua kali kena makan dalam setiap flight, i think all the meals taste just about the same.
Yang kat atas ni tak ingat meal apa, its breakfast i think. oh roti dia yang panjang tu je best. Macam croissant, tapi bukan kot. Tapi best kalau makan dengan butter. Hehe
Btw, flight kitorang pukul 2 pagi to Dbx was about 7 hours, stayed there for a couple of hrs then took another plan to Manchester about 8am local time, for another 7hrs!. Kat Dubai airport best sebab ada unlimited internet access. Hehehehe mula mula bila sampai UK tak jet lag sebab beza Malaysia time dengan UK is about 7hrs. Sb dah biasa kat sini tidur kol 2 3 so kat sana macam okaylah. Haha
Anyway, again Alhamdulillah for all the blessings and rezeki Allah SWT bagi, dapat jugak merasa sekali lagi pergi oversea. Alhamdulillah! This time around we went there for my big sis's graduation ceremony.
Entry ni nak cerita pengalaman naik flight. Yang lain2 boleh cerita next next entry okaayyy. Hhihi
Actually flight pukul 2 pagi hari Sabtu. Jumaat malam tu serabut pulak lecturer nak buat test. Hai lah, siapa yang tak serabut. Mula mula kata boleh buat hari lain, tapi tetiba nak buat minggu lepas jugak. Aduuii. Anyway back to the topic, lepas jawab test semua, bermula la journey saya ke Leeds. Eh practical to Manchester airport. Then baru gerak pergi Leeds. It was fun, dad picked me up at Shah Alam and we went straight to the airport by a cab and meeting rest of the family members! Fawwaz pun ada sekali. Hee
OH one thing i like dengan flight ni is that kita boleh tengok movie oh yeahh. Hehe
Kalau dapat naik Airbus A380 lagi best sebab movie dia up to date. Hehehehe plus we can have live video of the plane from the outside. Ada camera kat bahagian tayar kot so boleh tengok bawah, or camera from the nose of the plane. Kalau canggih sikit ada camera satu lagi kat ekor plane :)
Masa pergi layan cerita Korea banyak banyak. Yela 7 jam x2 nak buat apa takkan tidur je :P
This is the first time our family travelling with lil Fawwaz. Hes almost about 8months old now. Sebab kitorang pergi naik Emirates, so they gave my bro's family seat depan dinding. Why? sebab nanti Fawwaz boleh tidur dalam bakul, yeay!
I think Fawwaz must be a tall kid when he grows up!. Di dah tak muat kot nak baring dalam basket tu. Badan panjang -,-"
Sooooo.. The food was.. ermm. Boleh laaa. Sebenarnya first or second time mungkin excited and all but bila dah dua kali kena makan dalam setiap flight, i think all the meals taste just about the same.
Yang kat atas ni tak ingat meal apa, its breakfast i think. oh roti dia yang panjang tu je best. Macam croissant, tapi bukan kot. Tapi best kalau makan dengan butter. Hehe
Btw, flight kitorang pukul 2 pagi to Dbx was about 7 hours, stayed there for a couple of hrs then took another plan to Manchester about 8am local time, for another 7hrs!. Kat Dubai airport best sebab ada unlimited internet access. Hehehehe mula mula bila sampai UK tak jet lag sebab beza Malaysia time dengan UK is about 7hrs. Sb dah biasa kat sini tidur kol 2 3 so kat sana macam okaylah. Haha
Yang ni smoked salmon dengan bayam. Rasa dia macam emm emm. untuk journey pergi ke Leeds every flight dua kali meal dia bagi. Depens on the time of the flight la, kalau lewat malam, dia bg dinner and breakfast, kalau siang dia bg lunch or snack macam tu la.
Sebenarnya takde lah tak sedap pun, tapi sebab makan diorang semua rasa sama. Nasi ke, ayam ke ikan ke, it all taste the same -,-"
oh and one more, meal dia akan berkaitan dengan local treats destination. Macam time nak pergi Dubai tu, ada beriyani, kalau nak pergi UK tu macam western2 sikit, then macam haritu pergi Istanbul dia bagi dessert local from Istanbul. Emm but that one didnt suit my taste buds ~.~ tapi ni review naik Emirates je tau, kalau naik airlines lain taktau la macamana. Hehe
okay thanks for reading! Next entry Insyallah menyusul. Hehehe
okay thanks for reading! Next entry Insyallah menyusul. Hehehe
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