this entry gonna be a sad one. i am finally finishing my degree soon (Insyaallah) in 3weeks time. today is actually the last day of my lecture! i never thought it would be this soon. thinking of how am suppose to live without having any naps during the day saddens me. haha if i can get employed soon i cant play around anymore. have to grow up and be matured. yeah that is what im trying hard to do right now. so not me. T.T
anyway, we were having great time today as everybody was snapping pictures of everyone. hehe and we got two of our sporting lecturers to take picture with us! :D we surely gonna miss each other.
AP224 6E :)
Kak Nor, Kema and Kak Bie
Kak thirah Zainal, Mimi, Awe, Kak Ika n Ahya!
Nuar, Yvonne, Irni, Nik, Ahmad and Hakim
Ken, Wahida, Kak Tiya n Kak tiru
Kak Ika, Kak Mai n Mimi!
Boys in the class: Kema, Gary Cicong, Cimok, Adri kat belakang, Haziq and Ken!
Nono with Ainil
With en Arif our Measurement lecturer! sporting kot. haha;)
not forgetting our lovely Puan K of our Eco's lecturer. hehehe :)
actually i really hope this blog of mine could keep this as memories to me. it's sad you know knowing that your student life is gonna end soon and not knowing when you are going to see your friends again. we officially ended our lectures today, 21st June 2012. we have been together for two years. but all is well, life must go on. i am surely gonna miss you guys, the environment, FSPU and UiTM.
UiTM dihati ku. eh cop final exam belum habis lagi. haha okay thanks for reading this entry. :D
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