Friday, December 2, 2011

REVIEW: Breaking Dawn

okay this movie went out last week on Thursday in Malaysia. but i only managed to watch it on Saturday. erh lambat dua hari. tapi okay lah kan cause ive already watched it like twice on the same day. haha gigih sangat. sekali dengan Naqi, sekali dengan mak. never at the same time. maybe after 5 years okay lah kot, tak pelik dah time tu. kehkeh *gatai*

*ihsan incik google*

anyway, korang semua da tengok ke? okay2, from my view i think this movie is a lil bit off for me. i only like the part where Bella is all white, including Edward and all the guesses. then a pool of blood running down from the altar. haa yang tu lah. aku suka time dia punya nightmare tu je. haha cool gila owkay, her hands all bloody with edward's mouth seems like baru lepas geget orang. yah. suka yang tu. plus the part where they show the scene, yeah "the scenery", not apebenda yang dorang buat masa kat pulau tu. that one is no-no.

for me there are too much of kissing scenes in the movie. thats not actually necessary pun kan. mungkin sebab nak bagi jalan cerita jadi panjang kot. hemm. i dunno. and i dont wanna know. kalau bagi peluang aku tengok lagi sekali aku akan fast forward part-part yang tak best tu. but i do admit yang dorang sangat romantik. kan? kan? HAHA

rating (over 5stars)
jalan cerita: 3
action: 3.2 (sebab banyak kena cut)
cgi: 4.5

p/s: kalau nak korang tengok la, then rate sendiri okay? :).

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